What mindset has made you successful?
Money doesn’t attract money. Money attracts thieves. Value attracts money. The quicker you come to terms with this principle, the faster you move up the echelons of life.
Pain motivates people to take action two times more than pleasure. Therefore, your chances of getting rich are two times more if you provide solutions that alleviate pain than solutions that derive pleasure.
To succeed as an entrepreneur, provide a service to people that will make them comfortable and make you uncomfortable. This will motivate them to transfer money into your pocket to enable you to enjoy a comfortable life in the future.
Do not seek to be successful. Seek to become a man or woman of value. Success follows value.
Success is not the result of money. Money is the result of success. Similarly, happiness doesn’t follow success—success follows happiness.
To become highly successful you must dedicate yourself to lifelong learning. Not in the academic sense of the word, but in the personal development sense of the word—also known as self-education.
The secret to success is habit, and the key to success is to change all your bad habits. Bad habits lead to disappointment, failure, misery, and misfortune. Good habits lead to success, excellence, happiness, and good luck.
Push yourself constantly and be consistent to ensure your personal growth. Remember, no one else is responsible for your life—and your life doesn’t belong to anyone else but you.