When Trump Goes To the Electronics store

tells her, “can you make me look like Obama?” “Sure”, she says. A couple of hours later Trump is the spitting image of Obama. He goes back to the store. “Sell me that TV”, he demands in a deep, commanding voice. “Mr Trump, 1 am telling you for the last time, I will NOT sell you ANYTHING.” Trump starts jumping up and down in frustration, making a scene. “How do you know!?” he cries loudly. “Because that is not a TV, that is a micro wave oven.”

There was an old man who lived in a forest.

dies, plant a new one in my memory. Tell your descendants to
do the same. It shall be our family’s duty to keep this forest strong.”

And so they did.

Each time the forest lost a tree, the children replanted one, and
so did their children, and their children after them.

And for centuries, the forest remained as lush and pretty as it once was,
all because of one man and his re-seeding hairline.

5 Ways to Stay Productive After Work

5 ways to stay productive

Do you often find yourself wondering about the ways to ‘increase energy levels’ after work? Workplace sucks out every ounce of energy out of our being!!Doesn’t it? No wonder the question ‘what to do to gain energy after work?’ seems to loom over every working person now and then!! Here we are discussing the top 5 ways to increase energy!! Read and grasp!!

1.Never Skip Your breakfast; If possible make it as heavy as you can!

And we are not talking about fat; if possible make sure that you have a carbohydrate rich meal in the morning. Cereal grain makes for a great breakfast and in case you love fruits – and even if you don’t – have at least one fruit with things like nuts, grains, and oats, as they add fiber to your body which helps in keeping your energy levels up and strong!

2.Drink, Drink and Drink – as much Water as you can!

It is advised that you should drink at least 8 ounces of water daily!!That is about 1.9 liters!! Science states that our muscles want water to work properly and even a 1-3% loss leads to fatigue!! Hence, do drink as much as you can, and more so if your schedule also consists of exercise. Avoid drinking spirits and caffeine as they lead to loss of water.

3. Go for an energy-boosting snack.

It is commonly advised that one should go for sugar if they want to increase their energy levels, but this is not what one should do. This is because, sugar only increases energy for a small period, and once the blood sugar level drops, you are again where you started from. Hence, instead of eating something sweet, go for a protein rich snack like nuts, peanut butter or nonfat yogurt or other things which have antioxidants; they are good at boosting depleted energy levels.

4. Breathe deeply & do relaxation exercises.

It has normally been seen that majority of humans have shallow breathing which becomes one of the reasons that lead us towards low energy levels as it limits the amount of oxygen in our bodies, which is further needed to convert food into energy. Therefore, if you want to keep up your energy levels, start breathing consciously and exhale for about twice as long as you inhale. Try doing meditation or relaxation exercises (inhale, and relax parts of your body one by one as you exhale) for better results!

5. Make Sure You Have Sound Sleeping schedule.

Lack of a good sleep can upset body’s proper functioning which can also be the reason behind low energy levels. If possible make sure that you go to bed at the same time every day! And though the amount of sleep can vary from person to person, try to get at least 7-9 hours of sleep each night. So, if you feel tired all the time, increase your usual number of sleep-hours for improvement!!

Where and How Celebrities Get Treated for Cancer?

Cancer is a dreaded term which can drain the affected person both mentally and physically. But, a lot depends upon what kind of character the person shows, if a person diagnosed with cancer maintains a positive attitude, then that positivity is definitely going to make them win the struggle against this deadly disease. In today’s day and age, cancer is spreading like an epidemic because of the irregular lifestyle patterns we leading and celebrities are also not out of this list. Many public figures have been diagnosed by different forms of cancer, some got a new lease of life and some lost their battle to cancer.

Celebrities who survived cancer

Just like Cancer has hit common people, the same way, it has affected the health of many big stars in Hollywood. The Indian celebrities who had been diagnosed with cancer in the past usually chose to head to the United States of America (USA) to start off their treatment.

Along with chemotherapy, surgery and healthy eating habits, all these cancer survivors are said to have gained positivity through yoga sessions and motivational speeches conducted by the cancer centers they got treated at.

Below are some of the famous cancer survivors who put a great fight against this fatal disease and embraced life like never before:

  • Yuvraj Singh: The Indian cricketer was diagnosed with a non – malignant tumor above his heart’s artery. His cancer was in an early stage and was treated using chemotherapy at the Cancer Research Institute, Boston, USA.
  • Lisa Ray: In 2009, the actress suffered from a very rare type of cancer called multiple myeloma (a cancer caused in the white blood cells). Lisa was declared cancer free after a stem cell transplant. Born and brought up in Canada, she sought treatment in the US itself.
  • Robert De Niro: The American actor and filmmaker was diagnosed with prostate cancer in the year 2003. His cancer was detected in the early stage after which De Niro underwent surgery in December 2013 at the Memorial Sloan – Kettering Cancer Center.
  • Lance Armstrong: Testicular cancer survivor, Armstrong bounced back to his road racing cycling career in 1998 after being tested positive for cancer in 1996. The cyclist was treated for cancer at the Indiana University Health University Hospital, Indiana, USA.
  • HughJackman: The Australian actor – singer suffered from basal cell carcinoma (skin cancer) and he first got treated in the year 2013. After that, the cancerous growth has been recurring and Jackman has got six cancer removal surgeries done till 2017 and the actor is well now.
  • Jane Fonda: The American actress who has many feathers in her cap, was diagnosed with breast cancer for which she was underwent lumpectomy in 2010 and was healing all these years but in early 2018 she was spotted with bandages on her face. For that, she revealed that she got a cancerous growth removed from her lip.
  • Giuliana Rancic: The Italian – American TV actress was diagnosed with breast cancer in the year 2011. She got double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery done in the same year. Later on, this cancer survivor founded a charity called ‘Fab – U – Wish’ to support other women battling breast cancer.
  • Stephen Fry: The English actor – comedian released a video in February 2018 announcing his diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer. 11 adjacent lymph nodes and the infected cancerous organ were removed from Fry’s body to cure the aggressive form of cancer that he had. The actor is of the opinion that an early detection of the disease made him a cancer survivor.

Likewise, there are many celebrities in Hollywood and Bollywood who are known to have detected this deadly yet curable disease. All of them fought their respective battles with cancer, some emerged out victorious, but famous public figures like Vinod Khanna, Rajesh Khanna, Nargis Dutt, Mumtaz, Tom Alter, Paul Newman, Anne Bancroft etc lost their lives.

Most Common Types of Cancer

There are various rare and more frequent types of cancer that are known in this date and age. Some of them are given below:

  • Breast Cancer
  • Terminal Lung Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Colon Cancer
  • Lymphoma
  • Leukemia
  • Basal Cell Cancer
  • Skin Cancer
  • Testicular Cancer
  • Melanoma

Types of Cancer Treatments

The treatment of any type of cancer depends upon what the stage and type of cancer it is. A medical procedure is followed accordingly. The most common types of treatments that are resorted to cure cancer patients are given as follows:

Chemotherapy through Drip System and Tablets:

In the United States, there are advanced treatments available for every type of cancer. Cancer patients are treated with either of the two types of chemotherapeutic surgeries available. One is, injecting the medicine(s) through the drip which takes about 7 to 8 hours and second one is through oral medication i.e. through consuming chemo tablets.

Radiation Therapy or Radiotherapy

Radiotherapy is also a very crucial part of the cancer treatment. Sometimes due to chemotherapy, few cells become so active that they can harm the patient so in order to kill them, RT is done. Also, before the treatment for cancer starts, the doctors usually check as to which therapy out of chemo or RT is required to be conducted. This solely depends upon the intensity and growth of the malignant cells.

Blood Transfusion and PDT Therapy

These techniques and procedures are more prominently used by patients seeking treatment in the US. For example, Blood Transfusion is resorted to if a person is suffering from blood cancer. Similarly, procedures such as stem cell transplant, photodynamic therapy (PDT), Laser Therapy, Hyperthermia etc are used for treating cancer patients.

Yoga Sessions and Motivational Lectures to generate positivity:

Apart from these medicated treatments, celebrities are also encouraged to attend yoga sessions and motivational lectures in order to divert their mind from their illness.

  • Celebrities seeking treatment for cancer are given positive and motivating speeches about life and are also advised to meditate.
  • Most of these motivating lectures are usually given by the celebrity cancer survivors only so that their story inspires the one who is currently battling with the disease. Popular motivational speakers are Jim Kelly, Diana Jordan, Alan Hobson, Jennifer Griffin, Scott Hamilton and many others.
  • Yoga also helps a great deal in curing the disease and especially for the breast cancer patients, it works wonders. A recent study conducted at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA shows that regular yoga sessions help to relieve stress and fatigue.
  • The American Cancer Society strongly recommends to all the cancer survivors to do minimum 150 minutes of exercise every week, including yoga and strength training.

Cost of Cancer Treatment of Celebrities

There cannot be any viable figures for cancer treatments because the cost of one’s treatment for cancer shall depend on the type of cancer and the number of chemo rounds to be conducted. However, it can be rightfully said that the treatment of this disease is much better and advanced in the US. This is more so because the United States itself is an advanced nation in terms of health and hygiene.

The total cost ranges from thousands to lakhs if we talk about cancer treatments in India whereas cancer treatments in the USA would cost the patient in crores.

Let us have a more detailed look on the approximate cost depending upon the type of treatment in India and the USA:

Average Cost of Cancer Treatment in India and USA
Therapy/Surgery Cost (in INR) Cost (in US$)
Chemotherapy (1 Round) Rs. 10 to 15 Thousands $2000 – $3000
Radiation Therapy Approx. 4 Lakhs $4000 – $7000
Breast Cancer Surgery (Single/Double Mastectomy) Approx. 5 Lakhs $7000
Surgery for Prostate Cancer Approx. 7 Lakhs $10,000
PET – CT Scan Approx. Rs 10000 $5000 and above

So clearly, getting treated in the States is a costly affair but one cannot ignore the fact that the patient survives in most cases. We can find a large number of celebrity survivors in the USA and above everything else, what matters is the courage and positivity above anything else to become cancer free.

He Wakes up in a Slum With no Memory

gets up calmly and leads him to a big, dilapidated warehouse where thousands of other similarly unkempt souls are gathering. When the man asks why they’re all here, the beggar points to a line of folding tables against the wall. Each table has some moldy bread, cups of dingy water, and some bowls of broth so thin they could have just run out of cups. Only then does the man realize how hungry he is. A guard in heavy body armor blows a whistle and all the people arrange themselves into three lines.

The beggar is helpful enough to explain them for the man. “That one’s the bread line, that’s the broth line, and that’s the water line. All the food here is free, but if you want to get out of this maggot hole, you’ve got to work, because the gate guards into the third ring ask five hundred dollars to get through. I’ve heard the food is better there.”

So the man gets his food. It’s abominable, and right then and there, he vows to make five hundred dollars and get into the third ring. Unfortunately for him, very few people need work in the afterlife, especially when all of them are saving up to emigrate. Even still, after ten years of hard work, eating the moldy bread and indistinguishable soup and water, he finally saves up enough money. The guards let him through and he finds himself in the third ring. It’s nothing too fancy, if anything, it’s a bit below average for a real city, but to his eyes it is paradise. All the guards look much friendlier, and the houses and buildings, while not spacious or lavish, are at least up to code. And to his surprise, he runs right into a familiar former beggar as he crosses the street.

“What are the odds?” they both ask and they get to conversing. The beggar, it turns out, only managed to make it in himself a few months back. Their conversation is interrupted, however, by what sounds like a school bell. When the man seems confused, the beggar leads him to what looks like a giant gymnasium. Here, people are gathering once again, and the man begins to understand. On a line of folding tables against one wall are stacks of hot dogs, big bowls of salad, and solo cups full of fresh lemonade. A cop shouts for everyone’s attention and directs them all to stand in three lines. The beggar smiles at the man’s wonder and points to each line in turn. “That’s the hot dog line, that’s the salad line, and that’s the lemonade line.” The man gets in each line in turn and gets himself his lunch.

While he’s eating, basking in joy at not being stuck with old bread and water, the beggar encourages him, “The best part is, halfway through the year, they switch from hot dogs, salad, and lemonade to chicken, chili, and hot chocolate. You can never get tired of it!”

Sadly, this proved not to be true. After only a few days, the man did again get tired of the same meal every day. But he knew firsthand that he could change his lot, so one day he went up to the wall of the second circle. This time the guards were asking for ten thousand dollars. Well, the man didn’t like it, but he figured he had his whole afterlife ahead of him now that he was out of the fourth circle, and he could certainly take some time to save up. After ten years of hard work, it wasn’t too difficult for him to keep up the work ethic, and only twenty years later, he went back to the guards of the second ring with the money in hand. He went through the gate and found himself in a glittering, clean city full of glass and steel.

And wouldn’t you know it, but there, standing across the street was the same beggar, only now he was wearing a well-fitted suit. The man greeted the beggar as an old friend and they started talking again. Once again, their conversation was interrupted, only this time it was by beautiful church bells. “Come,” the beggar told him, “I’ll take you to the evening meal.” So the man followed and they entered a glamorous ballroom filled with beautiful attendees. Even the cops here looked good, dressed in suits and sunglasses like bodyguards. And sure enough, piled onto platters on huge mahogany tables against the far wall were plates of steak, bowls of the most delicious seafood soups, and glasses of champagne. One of the bodyguards cleared his throat loudly and politely requested that the attendees line up. Three lines were formed and the beggar pointed each line out in turn. “That’s the steak line, that’s the soup line, and that’s the champagne line,” and then he added, “and apparently here, they change the meals FOUR times a year!”

The man rejoiced, ate, and was happy, and for once felt that nothing was lacking. Four changes a year was enough for him. But one day, out of curiosity, he went up to the bodyguards that guarded the gate into the first and final ring of the afterlife and found they were asking for a million dollars to pass. Well the man was a bit disturbed by this, after all, the second ring seemed perfect to him. “What is it,” he thought, “that could possibly be more wonderful than what I have here?” That question haunted him for weeks until he came to a conclusion. He was used to working hard and he had all of eternity to save up, so he wanted, just once to see what he could possibly be missing in the first ring.

Fifty years later, he returned to the guards with a million dollars. When he stepped into the first ring he fell to his knees. The architecture was glorious and inhuman, and the bodyguard had turned into shining angels. To his surprise, someone helped him up off the street and when he looked, he realized he recognized who it was–it was the beggar he met in the fourth ring, adorned in a golden robe and glowing, and when he looked down at himself he realized he looked much the same.

The beggar laughed jovially. “I got here only three years ago myself, but somehow I knew you would be right here behind me. I’ve come back to this gate every day waiting for you to make it in!” Suddenly, the air was filled with the sound of angelic choirs and the beggar led the man off to a gigantic palace made of crystal and cloud. The room was filled with radiant citizens of the first circle and angels prepared everything. Sure enough, there was a line of massive altars against one wall, spilling over with glistening golden dragon meat, a pudding refined from clouds and dew and silk, and an ice cold tub of ambrosia and nectar ladled out individually into blindingly beautiful crystalline chalices. An angel fluttered from the ceiling and bowed silently to the assembled mass, who bowed respectfully back and then broke themselves into their lines on their own.

Smiling at the tradition, the beggar pointed to the first line. “That’s the line for the dragon meat,” he said before turning to the next line, “and that’s the line for angeldust stew,” then he paused, confused.

“What is it?” the man asked his old friend.

The beggar replied, “There appears to be no punchline.”

He cheats on his wife but she never mind

around for his clothes, gets dressed, and leaves as fast as he can.
On the way home he has an idea.

He goes to the local park and rubs his shoes in the grass, and makes some grass stains on the bottom legs of his trousers.
He finally gets home and his wife is up and very angry.

“Well?!” She demands. “I’ll be honest,” he replies. “I’m having and affair,
have been for a year and I’ve just spent the night with her.”

She looks him up and down and notices the grass on his shoes and trouser legs.
“You lying son of bitch!” She shouts. “You’ve been playing bloody golf again.”

5 Characteristics to be a Great Leader

To become a leader, you don’t necessarily have to be a CEO or an elected official. You have to be someone whom others want to follow consistently for new ideas and trends. A fancy title might make that possible temporarily, but you as a true leader can inspire steadfast loyalty by incorporating these 5 essentials.

1. Practice things you’re uncomfortable with

A majority of you willing to become a leader probably know what it takes to be one, but what’s stopping you from getting there right now is your fear of certain things: things that might include building stronger relationships, becoming a better spokesperson or pulling yourself out of your zone of comfort. Instead of running away from these things, start practicing them with either your friend or a mentor. All such things that make you uncomfortable will eventually make you stronger once you’ve achieved them.

2. Start believing you’re a leader

You often find yourself on the negative side of everything, isn’t it? You’re not strong enough in this or good enough at that. But, knowing all this can be comforting because it means that you can’t fail. If you already know you’re not good at something, then you won’t be surprised when it doesn’t get done. To lead, it becomes essential for you to start believing that you’re a leader and then act like one. Watch yourself in the mirror every morning and tell yourself that you’re here to lead.

3. Be confident in every situation

Keep your confidence level elevated at all times. Imagine yourself saying “I don’t know”, with you looking down, your legs fidgeting and your thumbs twiddling. And now picture yourself saying “I don’t know”, looking into the eyes of the speaker with your head up and shoulders back. Not knowing about something is absolutely fine …… just be confident while saying that you don’t know it. A little lack of knowledge doesn’t mean that you start questioning your ability to lead.

4. Turn yourself into an expert


Possessing a certain amount of knowledge can instill great confidence in you and help you feel more leader-esque. While it’s true that you can manage without it, it’s only a matter of time before somebody with an extra charisma and knowledge comes along and clinches that title away from right under your feet. So in whatever department you are looking to lead, start enhancing your knowledge about it. It’ll definitely pay you off in the near future.

5. Take charge and be decisive

Picture this: You’re standing among your group of friends who are trying to decide what should be done on that night. Everyone is busy complaining, dawdling and ditching each other’s ideas until one of them finally takes the onus upon himself and says “Listen guys! We’re doing this tonight”. That person realized the situation required direction, stood up and took charge …… leader all the way. What you need to do is become that person.

So there you go! It’s time for you to lead.

A horny gorilla sees a lion bent over a small stream, taking a drink.

grabs some khakis that are hung out to dry, and puts on pants, a shirt,
and a hat. He sits on a chair by the campfire and grabs a copy of the local paper, pretending to read, to hide his face.

The lion enters the campsite and lets out a huge roar. He yells, “did anyone see a gorilla run through here?”

The gorilla, in full disguise, calls out, “you mean the one that fucked the lion up the ass?”
The lion exclaims, “oh my god! It’s in the paper already?”

“Is it your husband?” Jim is shocking now this

“Sure!” replies Jim. “Let’s go!” At Stacey’s
house, Jim notices a picture of a man on Stacey’s
desk and asks, “Is this your brother?”

“No, it isn’t, Jim!” Stacey giggles. “Is it your
husband?” Stacey giggles even more, “No, silly!”
“Then, it must be your boyfriend!” Stacey giggles

even more while nibbling on Jim’s ear. She says,
“No, silly!” “Then, who is it?” Stacey replies,
“That’s me before my operation!”

Unaccompanied Minors Flight Rules & Regulations

Table of Contents

At some point of life, you may need to send your child to another city by flights. When the children between the ages of 5 and 17 are sent to fly without any adults accompanying them, they are known as unaccompanied minors. Different airlines have varied policies when child is sent alone. Some even do not allow children to travel even if he or she attains the age of 12 years.

Can Unaccompanied Minors Fly?

Age Restrictions Unaccompanied-Minor Procedures?
Under 5 Can not travel alone Not available
5 to 7 Can travel alone on nonstop flights Yes
8 to 11 (8 to 14 on some airlines) Can usually travel alone on any flight* Yes
Domestic flights 12 to 17 (15 to 17 on some airlines) Can travel alone on any flight without restrictions* Only on request
International flights: 12 to 17 (15 through 17 on some airlines) Can travel alone on any flight, but many carriers require unaccompanied-minor procedures Required by many carriers

Unaccompanied minors are allowed to fly. Airlines charge $50-$150 per child when the minors are travelling alone. There are certain terms and conditions that need to be fulfilled before your minor can travel with airlines. Moreover flight carriers will not allow child between the ages of 5 and 11 years to change the connecting flights. Some airlines also don’t allow unaccompanied minors on international flights.


After booking a ticket for minor in the flight, you need to fill out forms which will details child’s age and other relevant information. You also need to mention the name of the person who will be there to receive the child at the destination airport. The designated person who will have to pick up the child will need to produce a government issued identity card to get a gate pass to pick the minor from the destination airport.

What airlines fly unaccompanied minors?

Airlines Name Age Requirments
Air Canada 8 to 17 years
Alaska Airlines 5 to 12 years
Allegiant Airlines 15 years
American Airlines 5 to 7 years
British Airways 5 and 17 years
Delta Airlines 5 to 7 years
Hawaiian Airlines 5 to 11 years
Icelandair 5 to 11 years
JetBlue 5 to 14 years
Norwegian Air 5 to 11 years
Porter Airlines 8 to 12 years
Spirit Airlines 5 to 14 years
SouthWest Airlines 5 to 11
United Airlines 5 to 14
Virgin America 5 to 11 years
WestJet 8 to 11 years.
WOWAIR 5 to 11 years

There are numerous unaccompanied minor airlines in which your child can travel alone. Here is the list of the airlines which provides the service and we will have small details and unaccompanied minor reviews for various airlines.

Some of the major airlines which help to fly unaccompanied minors are:

Air Canada

Air Canada allows children between the ages of 8 to 17 years. The ticket of the airline will cost you $100 for every round trip though they provide this service only for nonstop flights.

Alaska Airlines

This airline allows unaccompanied minor between the ages of 5 and 12 years. For the children between the ages of 5 and 7 you can only book nonstop flights whereas children between the age of 8 and 12 years can use the connecting flights service. The nonstop flight ticket will cost $50 each whereas ticket of connecting flight will cost you $75 each way. Also the travel time of the unaccompanied minor should not be between 9pm at night to 5am in the morning. The child will also be eligible to receive a main cabin meal on the Alaska Airlines if the duration of the journey of the flight is more than 2 hours.

Allegiant Airlines

The airline does not accept unaccompanied minors who are under the age of 15 yrs. If the minor is 15 years of age, he must have to be accompanied by an adult who have the ticket reservation of the same flight.

American Airlines

The children between 5 to 7 years can travel in direct flights whereas 8 to 14 years can also take connecting flight with American Airlines. The airports from which children can take the connecting flight are Charlotte, Washington Reagan, Dallas Fort Worth, New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Chicago, Philadelphia and Phoenix. Ticket of this airline for unaccompanied minor will cost $150 each way. You cannot book the tickets for minor if the connecting flight is from other carrier and also if the connecting flight is the last flight from the city.

British Airways

The children between 5 and 17 years can travel as unaccompanied minors. You have to book Openskies Solo Flyer service for the minors which can cost you $150 each way. This service is available on a flight which departs from the United States of America and France. Children below the age of 5 years cannot travel solo.

Delta Airlines

Delta Airlines also have similar policies like other airlines mentioned above. The children between the ages of 5 and 7 years can travel on direct flights whereas between the ages of 8 and 14 years can travel on connecting flights with the condition that flight must not be between the time of 9pm and 5am. If the connecting flights is from Alaska or Hawaii Airport than you can also book the ticket between 9 pm and 5am.

The connecting flights should be of Delta Airlines, Air France and KLM. The unaccompanied minors on the board are provided with traceable wristbands, Sky zone lounge for kids along with Delta Personal Escort during their journey throughout the day.

The delta airlines unaccompanied minor ticket will cost you $150 each way.

Hawaiian Airlines

Hawaiian Airlines consider children between the ages of 5 and 11 years as minors. If the travel is within the Hawaii the ticket will cost $35 and if the travel journey includes itinerary between North America and Hawaii the ticket price will go up to $100. The ticket fees include 2 siblings from the same family. The airlines don’t allow unaccompanied minors to travel on international flights. Reservations of the ticket can be done online and the fees can be paid during check in at the airport. The seat for the minor will be assigned by the agent at the airport on the travel day.

The unaccompanied minors are not allowed to travel on connecting flights which have the timings between 9pm and 5 am unless the flight is scheduled to depart from the Honolulu Airport. Travel is also not allowed if the gap between the connecting flights is of more than 2 hours.


The airlines allow children between the ages of 5 and 11 years as unaccompanied minors. The ticket will cost $60 which includes fees for the 2 or more siblings travelling in the same flight. You can only book direct or nonstop flights for the minors with this airline.


Jetblue considers children between the ages of 5 and 14 years as minors. The airlines allows child of 2 years to travel with a 14 year old child who has not been assigned the status of unaccompanied minor. They allow maximum of 3 unaccompanied minors in their flight who get seated in Row A, B and C of the flight so make sure to book your ticket in advance so that your child can fly with the JetBlue Airline. In this Airline travel is permitted only in direct flights. The ticket will cost $100 per unaccompanied minor.

You can book the tickets by calling at 1-800-JETBLUE (538-2583).

Norwegian Air

Unaccompanied minors service for children between the ages of 5 and 11 years is compulsory whereas children between ages 12 and 15, the service is optional. The children below 5 years of age are not permitted to travel alone with this airline. The ticket will cost you $59 each which can be booked by calling at Norwegian Contact Centre 1-1800-357-4159.

Porter Airlines

They provide the service to unaccompanied minors of the ages between 8 and 12 years. For minors between 12 years to 17tears the service is optional. The ticket of this airline will cost you $100 in each direction. The parents have to wait at the airport until it has been more than 20 minutes after the flight has departed from the terminal. The tickets for the minors can be booked by calling at 1-888-619-8622.

Spirit Airlines

They provide unaccompanied minor service to 5 to 14 years old and children under the age of 5 years cannot travel with the airline. Ticket cost is $100 which can be booked online by the guardian of the minor. The minors on this airline cannot travel in international flights and they have to travel only in direct flights and nonstop flights

SouthWest Airlines

They consider children of ages 5 to 11 years as a minor. Ticket cost to one direction for the minor is $50. Tickets can be booked for direct and nonstop flights only in which there is no need to change any plane on the stoppages. Tickets can be booked for the unaccompanied minor for the Southwest Airlines by calling at 1-800-435-9792 and enter the birth date of your child. If for some reason the child is unable to travel in the flight ticket cost is not refundable.

United Airlines

United Rules For Unaccompanied Minors

They provide the unaccompanied minor service for children between the ages of 5 and 14. The ticket of this airline for your minor will cost you $150 each way which can be booked for only direct or nonstop flights. The service is available on united and united express flights.

Virgin America

Children between the ages of 5 and 11 years can travel as unaccompanied minors with the airlines. Flights reaching their destination within 2 hrs or less, the ticket cost is $75, Flights taking more than 2 hrs will cost $100 whereas on international flights cost of the ticket goes up to $125 and all flights should be non stop. You can book tickets for your minors who are going to travel in this airline by calling at their reservation centre at 1-877-FLY-VIRGIN.


The service is available for children of ages 8 to 11 years. For the children between 12 and 17 years of age, the service is optional. You can book only for nonstop flights and the ticket costs $100. The reservation for your unaccompanied minor can be made by calling at 888-937-8538.


The children between 5 to 11 years can be booked as unaccompanied minors in this airlines. Service is optional for minors between the ages of 12 and 17. Ticket cost $89.99 which includes fees for two or more siblings. The booking can be made only on nonstop flights.

TSA ID requirements for unaccompanied minors

Transportation Security Administration is a government agency that regulates and secures national transport system. Children who are of less than 18 ages does not require any id to show in the domestic flights, but before the travel make sure with your carrier airlines if they need ID for the child. If the child is travelling with any other person who is not the parent of the child than you should fill out a Child Travel Consent Form.

Airlines Rules for Unaccompanied Minors

There are different rules for each and every airlines and depends upon the flight carrier which you have booked. Some of the common rules that are followed by each and every Airline are:

1) The children under the age of 5 years cannot travel as unaccompanied minors.

2) The flight departing between 9.00 pm in the night and 5.00 am in the morning which are also known as red eye flights cannot be booked for your minors.

3) The flight should be only direct flights which mean the children don’t have to change the flight whenever there is halt at some airport in between the source and destination airport.

Travel Requirements for unaccompanied minors

Main travel requirements of unaccompanied minors are:

1) When you are going to send your child in a flight, you need to accompany your child to the airport and be sure to reach airport at least one or two hour prior to flight departure. You will need to fill out a form for unaccompanied minors and then clear security. After that you need to get your child to the gate for pre-boarding.

2) You also need to bring the address and phone numbers of the person receiving your child at the destination airport so that airlines can contact them.

3) The airlines might give special badge to wear to child which your child must not remove unless he has been handed over to the designated person at the de-boarding airport.

4) You also need to carry a birth certificate of your child in case the need arises as airlines need to verify the age of your child. If you have booked return flights for your minor than the copy of birth certificate needed to be sent to the person who will bring back your child for the return flight.

5) Your child could carry a small bag in which there are interactive toys, coloring books, crayons etc. If he carries a personal stereo, try to give him earphones along with them. There should be a copy of the complete journey, route maps, airlines name, flight numbers, arrival and departure time in your child’s bag. Also write the phone numbers of your closed ones and your family in case a child may need these numbers if he wants to connect with someone. You can also pack some light snacks for your child as sometimes it may take time for the flight to depart.

Checklist for Person at Unaccompanied Minor Destination

When you are picking up unaccompanied minors at the airport, here are some of the things which you need to take care of:

  • The Person should be available on the phone every time.
  • You should know at which airport the flight will land if the city where flight is going to land have more airports.
  • If you think you can send someone else in your place, don’t send because airline will release the child to the person mentioned in unaccompanied minor form.
  • You need to bring a government issued ID card at the airport.
  • You have also to bring the copy of child’s journey which includes flight numbers, arrivals, departures, etc.
  • Try to get to the airport early as sometimes flight can arrive earlier than the scheduled time.
  • You must call the guardian of the unaccompanied minor when the child is received by the person.

Concluding this, we can say that make sure that your unaccompanied minor does not feel insecure during the journey. You should be in touch with the airlines and can track the flight status during the course of the run of the flight. Please note that your child must have enough cash before boarding the flight as it may be required during the journey.

Have a happy and safe journey for your unaccompanied minors.