his friend, “we try to talk to girls, get them interested in us.
He does none of that, he just sits there entire evening, licking his eyebrows.”
his friend, “we try to talk to girls, get them interested in us.
He does none of that, he just sits there entire evening, licking his eyebrows.”
with this man. The manager, hearing the story, goes back to the man to see what the problem is.
After asking the man, he responds with ” There is no fucking problem. All I wanna do is cash my
10 million dollar check from winning the lottery and then put it in this goddamn bank!”
The manager responds with “Oh, and is this bitch over here giving you any problems, sir?”
says: Sure 5 minutes later
the teacher says: Woah Woah
Woah that’s not my belly
button! Little Johnny says:
Woah Woah Woah thats not my finger.
Johnny, you think you’re dumb?
Little Johnny: No, I just feel
bad you’re standing alone.
says, “I don’t know if it’s
in yet.” The man replies,
“Yeah, that’s the one!”
forcing us to do bonding activities.
I guess you could call it ironic bonding.
and the pizza delivery guy
were found dead.
you reporting it now?
Husband: I think now the thief’s wife has started using it
problem and the other is making six figures
and going to Hawaii this weekend to renew his wedding vows with my mom.
She then turned pink and looked down. I gave her a wide smile.
Ten years later, she became my stepmother.
(This joke was translated from Chinese so sorry if parts don’t make sense.)
also my sister and step-mother.
Restaurant Host- Ok, I’ll put you in for a table for four, near the grotto.
Tutankhamen- Four? I’m just bringing Ankhesenamun.
time there was this handsome lobster…”
It’s been a month now and she’s
still not speaking to me
A spokesperson was quoted
as saying,
“We have absolutely nothing to go on.”
of their way to demonstrate how unfunny they are.