Hilarious Women

hree women were sitting in a bar, (burnette, redhead, and a blonde) they were all pregnant. The burnette says, “I know what I’m going to have.” The other to asked how. She replied, “Well I was on top when I concieved so I will have a baby boy”. The red head said, “If your logic is correct then I will have a baby girl because I was on the bottom when I concieved. The blonde starts crying and orders another shot and starts screaming, “PUPPIES, PUPPIES!”.

10 Qualities of Americans that Set them Apart

America is a land of opportunities and millions flock to the nation every year. But what makes this country so special are the Americans themselves rather than anything else. Living a life of an American means living a free and a quality life. It means the freedom to choose anything without any restrictions. If you want to have an idea of what it’s like to be an American, then read these 10 qualities that set the Americans apart from the rest.

America is a land of opportunities and millions flock to the nation every year. But what makes this country so special are the Americans themselves rather than anything else. Living a life of an American means living a free and a quality life. It means the freedom to choose anything without any restrictions. If you want to have an idea of what it’s like to be an American, then read these 10 qualities that set the Americans apart from the rest.

1. Americans have a really BIG heart

America is big and so are the hearts of its people. Americans are known to be the most kind and generous of all. They don’t hesitate to open their hearts, homes and pockets to those who are in need.

2. Americans grasp the opportunities to work hard

A real American is the one, who when presented with an opportunity, grabs it with both hands and then works hard. They are good at taking advantages of the chances offered and making the most of them. No wonder the nation continues to excel so much.

3. Americans become who they want to be

Americans carry a deep passion for their work and choose a profession they like, without getting influenced by others. They don’t become doctors and engineers because their parents wanted them to be. They are people who simply enjoy what they do.

4. Americans share a feeling of unity

Supporting each other and standing by each other’s side, Americans remain united at all times. They work to ensure that America does not become a nation without unity. Their dream to progress as a nation is what makes America the United States of America.

5. Americans know the value of life

Americans value life whether it’s a human or an animal. Anything that shows signs of life is valuable to them. They will go to any lengths to rescue living beings from danger. Many have even lost their lives while saving animals.

6. Americans have dignity in their work

For Americans, there is no such thing as a ‘small job’ – a job is a job. Irrespective of being a waiter, a cab driver or a plumber, they show pride in what they do. They don’t feel ashamed to talk about their occupation.

7. Americans are particular about cleanliness

Americans are very much concerned about cleanliness, especially at public places. They will neither take a leak on some wall nor throw garbage at the side of a road. They will not litter or throw away wrappers of chips, chocolates etc. on the road.

8. Americans love being self sufficient

Americans like to be independent and they work very hard for that. They would never want themselves to depend on others for their basic needs. They don’t like waiting around for others to help them out and would rather make their own way.

9. Americans understand value of time

Time is money. And the Americans are firm believers of this. They are ever so punctual and they don’t like getting late to classes, parties, appointments, employment interviews etc. They try their best to get their work done on time.

10. Americans make immigrants feel at home

Americans never stand too close or push anyone when standing in a queue. They always keep a smiling face while greeting strangers. They treat everyone around them nicely and maintain relationships with immigrants in such a way that they feel as if they were in their own country.


If every other nation starts taking some cue from America and adopt the qualities they possess, the world could be a much better place to live in. Think about it.

An Englishman, a Frenchman, and a blonde in the train

into daylight, the Frenchman is rubbing his sore, red cheek.
The brunette thinks “I bet that dirty Frenchman fondled the
blonde and she struck the pervert.”

The blonde thinks “I bet that filthy Frenchman was looking to grope
me in the dark mistook the dowdy brunette for me and she slapped the beast.”

The Frenchman thinks “I bet that perfidious Englishman touched up the blonde
in the dark and she slapped me by mistake.”

The Englishman thinks “I can’t wait for another tunnel so I can slap that
French twat again.”

Cop Gets Insulted

Cop on horse says to little girl on bike, “Did Santa get you that?” “Yes,” replies the little girl. “Well tell him to put a reflector light on it next year!” and fines her $5. The little girl looks up at the cop and says, “Nice horse you’ve got there, did Santa bring you that?” The cop chuckles and replies, “He sure did!” “Well,” says the little girl, “Next year tell Santa that the dick goes under the horse, not on top of it!”

Dog And Wife’s @ss

The wife, not wanting it known that the house will be empty explains to the taxi driver: “He’s just going upstairs to say good-bye to my mother.” A few minutes later, the husband gets into the cab. “Sorry I took so long” he says. “Stupid b!tch was hiding under the bed and I had to poke her with a coat hanger to get her to come out! Then I had to wrap her in a blanket to keep her from scratching and biting me as I hauled her a*s downstairs and tossed her in the back yard! She better not crap in the vegetable garden again either!”

Gunman and Driver

The Gunman repeats this 5 times and asks the same for the 6th time.
Driver: “Sir, shoot me if you must but there’s no way I can get hard again”
Gunman turns his head and says, “Gloria you can come out now”
A beautiful 18 year old comes out of the house on the side of the road.
Gunman: “This is my daughter. Please give her a ride to the next town. Thank you.”

A Hot Lady in Skirt at the Bus Stop

Slightly Embarrassed And With A Quick Smile To The Bus Driver, She Reached Behind Her To Unzip Her Skirt A Little, Thinking That This Would Give Her Enough Slack To Raise Her Leg. Again, She Tried To Make The Step Only To Discover She Still Couldn’T. So, A Little More Embarrassed, She Once Again Reached Behind Her To Unzip Her Skirt A Little More. For The Second Time, Attempted The Step, And Once Again, Much To Her Chagrin, She Could Not Raise Her Leg. With A Little Smile To The Driver, She Again Reached Behind To Unzip A Little More And Again Was Unable To Make The Step.