Don’t Put Into My Mouth

A man gets “I love you” tattooed on his pen**s…
He goes home and tears his pants off, eager to show his girlfriend.

She looks at him and shakes her head saying “there you go again trying to put words in my mouth”.

What is Cord Blood and how it is stored?

When a baby is born, there is some blood stored in the placenta and umbilical cord of the child. This blood is called Cord Blood and it is collected to preserve for future use because it has stem cells. Stem cells are very efficient in treating hematopoietic and genetic disorders. These stem cells are the same as those cells which help in the development of baby’s organs, immune system, tissues etc while the baby is in mother’s womb. After the childbirth, the umbilical cord is cut and the cord blood is collected.

  • The collection of the Cord Blood is a very safe process for both the mother and the baby.
  • If parents want their babies Cord Blood to be saved then they ask the doctor to do so.
  • Your treating doctor will attach the umbilical cord in two different places with 10 inches of space in between.
  • Then, with the help of a syringe, the doctor will be able to collect approximately 40 milliliters of Cord Blood.
  • The collected blood is put in a sealed bag to send it to the cord blood bank for testing and preservation.

A Hot Teacher AND 3 Students

Teacher and her 3 boy students: Teacher: “Why did you laugh?” Boy 1: “I saw a strap of your bra.” Teacher: “You are punished to stay out of school for one week.” Boy 2 laughed… Teacher: “Why did you laugh?” Boy 2: “I saw your bra straps.” Teacher: “You are punished to stay out of school for one month.” Teacher bent down to pickup a chalk. Boy 3 started walking out of the class… Teacher: “Why are you leaving?” Boy 3: “I think my school days are over.”

F-cking Life Cycle

There was a bear looking at the fish. The bear thought, “If the fly goes down to get the food, and that fish comes up to get the fly, I can get the fish!”
There was a man looking at the bear. The man thought, “If the fly goes down to get the food, the fish comes up to get the fly, and the bear gets the fish, I can shoot the bear!”
There was a mouse looking at the man. The mouse thought, “If the fly goes down to get the food, the fish comes up to get the fly, the bear gets the fish, and the man shoots the bear, I can get the man’s sandwich!”
There was a cat looking at the mouse. The cat thought, “If the fly goes down to get the food, the fish comes up to get the fly, the bear gets the fish, the man shoots the bear, and the mouse gets the sandwich, I can get the mouse!”
So the fly goes down to get the food. The fish comes up and gets the fly. The bear swipes his mighty paw and gets the fish. The man shoots the bear. The mouse runs for the man’s sandwich. The cat lunges for the mouse, misses, and falls in the river.
What’s the moral of the story?
When the fly goes down, the pussy gets wet.

When a Saudi Prince Wants to Buy a Bull

They is born dark brown, but grow up to be light brown color.”
The prince says “I rather like the Turkish bulls. Fine specimens indeed.”
“Excellent choice, your majesty. But Turkish bull is special. They is bred for royalty, like you. But if you have royal blood, you must be bonding with bull calf when young, before they change color or they will reject you,” the Russian explains.

“Well,” the prince says, “I’m looking for a strong, adult bull. I’m not particularly interested in buying a calf. I rather like this big, beige bull over here.”
The prince attempts to pet the large Turkish bull. It sniffs his hand, shakes its head in disgust, turns around and kicks the prince with its hind legs.

The prince goes flying across the room and lands in a pile of hay.
“Where did you get such a horrible beast?! Why did it kick me!?” He sputters.
“I told you. He from Turkey,” the Russian explains, “Is tan bull, can’t stand a noble.”

Man Can Talk With Animals

“…sure you can,” the farmer says “But I like your style. I’ll put you to work.”

So the man does a few chores around the farm and earns his meal. At dinner, he says to the farmer, “I know you don’t believe me, but I actually do communicate with animals. I can prove it. I spoke to the hens, and they said you were there every morning before dawn to collect their eggs, and you’ve been doing so every day for years since your wife passed.”

The farmer says, “Wow, that’s exactly right!”

The man continues, “I spoke to your cow, and she said you’ve faithfully milked her every day before dawn, and you’ve been doing so every day for years since your wife passed.”
The farmer says, “I’m amazed. That’s true.”

The man says, “And I spoke to your sheep…”
“That sheep’s a fucking liar!”

A Man is Flying a Plane

very carefully. Grab the spear from the savage next to you, run up to the chief and stab him in the chest.”
So the man, with nothing to lose, grabs the spear from the savage next to him, runs up to the chief and stabs him in the chest.

The man, as he’s standing over the chief who’s now dying in a pool of blood, looks up at the heavens and ask, “Now what, Lord?”

And the voice booms back, “OK. Now you’re fucked.”