The Divorced Doll Dilemma


  • Tom: A busy father
  • Sara: A sales associate at the toy store

(Scene: A toy store. Tom walks in, looking a bit frazzled.)

Tom: (glancing around) Excuse me! Can I get some help here?

Sara: (smiling) Of course! What can I help you with today?

Tom: Well, I just realized it’s my daughter Lily’s birthday today, and I need to grab her a gift. I saw some Barbies in the window—how much are they?

Sara: (pointing to the display) Sure! We have quite a selection. There’s Work Out Barbie for $19.95, Shopping Barbie for $19.95, Beach Barbie for $19.95, Disco Barbie for $19.95, Astronaut Barbie for $19.95, Skater Barbie for $19.95… and then there’s Divorced Barbie for $265.95.

(Tom raises an eyebrow, surprised.)

Tom: Wait, hold on. Did you just say Divorced Barbie is $265.95? Why is that so much more expensive than the others?

Sara: (sighs and rolls her eyes slightly) Well, sir, Divorced Barbie comes with quite a few extras.

Tom: (curious) Extras? Like what?

(Sara walks over to the shelf and starts listing the items.)

Sara: Alright, here’s the rundown: Divorced Barbie includes Ken’s Truck, Ken’s House, Ken’s Fishing Boat, Ken’s Furniture, Ken’s Dog, Ken’s Computer, one of Ken’s Friends, and—this is the kicker—a keychain made from Ken’s… well, you know.

Tom: (stifling a laugh) A keychain made from Ken’s what? Seriously?

Sara: (nodding) Yup! That’s why it’s so much. It’s a whole package deal.

(Tom tries to wrap his head around it.)

Tom: So let me get this straight. For $265.95, I get a doll that comes with all of Ken’s stuff?

Sara: Exactly! It’s like a mini lifestyle change! You know, the whole “start fresh” vibe.

(Tom chuckles, shaking his head.)

Tom: That’s wild! But what kind of message does that send? I mean, are we really promoting this kind of narrative to kids?

Sara: (shrugs) I get it, but kids love drama! Plus, it’s a way to show that Barbie can adapt to any situation. She’s resilient!

(Tom crosses his arms, still skeptical.)

Tom: Resilient? It sounds more like a cautionary tale. What’s next? “Bankruptcy Barbie”?

Sara: (laughs) You’d be surprised! There’s definitely a market for that! But seriously, it’s all in good fun.

(Tom takes a moment to think.)

Tom: Okay, but what if I just want a regular Barbie for my daughter?

Sara: We have plenty of options! Any of the other Barbies are just $19.95.

(Tom looks at the display, considering his choices.)

Tom: (pointing) How about that Beach Barbie? It seems fun and cheerful.

Sara: Great choice! Beach Barbie is always a hit with the kids.

(As Sara begins to package Beach Barbie, Tom suddenly gets an idea.)

Tom: You know what? Maybe I should get the Divorced Barbie too.

Sara: (smirking) Are you sure? It’s quite the investment.

(Tom chuckles, pulling out his wallet.)

Tom: What the heck! It might give Lily some insight into “real life.” Besides, she might get a kick out of the keychain!

Sara: (grinning) It’s definitely a conversation starter!

(They proceed to check out, and Tom hands over the money.)

Tom: Well, I’ll just say I’m supporting her “diverse interests.”

Sara: (laughing) That’s one way to put it! Just remember, it’s all about embracing change.

(Tom takes the bag, feeling satisfied with his purchases.)

Tom: Thanks for the help! You’ve been great. I can’t wait to see her face when she opens these.

Sara: (smiling) Enjoy the birthday party! And remember, with great dolls come great responsibilities!

(Tom exits the store, shaking his head with a smile as he thinks about how to explain his choices to Lily.)

Tom: (to himself) I guess life really is like a box of Barbies—full of surprises!

(Scene ends with Tom walking away, bag in hand, chuckling at the day’s unexpected twists.)

(End of Dialogue)

The Lighter Side of Barbie: Jokes and Laughs


  • Alex: A playful parent
  • Jamie: A curious friend

Alex: Did you hear why Barbie dolls aren’t made of plastic anymore?

Jamie: No, why?

Alex: Because the Kardashians have used it all up!

Jamie: Speaking of Barbie, did you hear about the brand new Divorce Barbie from Mattel?

Alex: No! What’s special about her?

Jamie: She comes with all of Ken’s accessories!

Alex: That’s hilarious! But you know, Barbie has been criticized for promoting unrealistic body images.

Jamie: True, but here’s a twist: women’s heads are actually much more difficult to put back on in real life!

Alex: (laughs) Good point! What do you call a line of people waiting outside a toy store for Barbie dolls?

Jamie: I don’t know, what?

Alex: A Barbieque!

Jamie: (chuckles) Nice one! Did you hear about the Barbie that was great at swimming?

Alex: No, what about her?

Jamie: She was doll fin!

Alex: And what about Ken’s brother who only has one arm?

Jamie: What’s his name?

Alex: Bro Ken!

Jamie: (laughing) Perfect! By the way, why does Barbie look so good at 63?

Alex: I can’t imagine. Why?

Jamie: Plastic surgery!

Alex: (grinning) That’s a classic! Speaking of classic, what type of cue does Barbie use when she plays pool?

Jamie: I give up, what is it?

Alex: A Barbiecue!

Jamie: (laughs) I can’t believe the line at the cinema for the new Barbie film!

Alex: Right? It was the largest Barbie queue I’ve ever seen!

Jamie: And did you hear about the new army Barbie?

Alex: No, what does she do?

Jamie: She specializes in plastic explosives!

Alex: (chuckling) I bought my daughter some Barbies dressed from the 1600s, but something’s wrong with one.

Jamie: What’s wrong?

Alex: I think he’s baroque Ken!

Jamie: (smirking) Speaking of confusion, I was looking forward to watching Margot Robbie’s new film but ended up getting a burger instead!

Alex: (laughs) Oh no! Were you in the wrong Barbie queue?

Jamie: Exactly! By the way, what kind of animal do you think Barbie is?

Alex: Hmm, what?

Jamie: A chicken, because she’s the chick of Ken!

Alex: (laughing) That’s brilliant! Why did Barbie go to a yoga retreat in Australia?

Jamie: I have no idea, why?

Alex: She heard about all the Ken gurus!

Jamie: (grinning) That’s perfect! My son said Barbies aren’t for boys, though.

Alex: What did you tell him?

Jamie: I said, “They Ken be!”

Alex: (chuckles) And what about Barbie and Ken arguing over the dishwasher?

Jamie: What happened?

Alex: Ken says, “Barbie, I’ve unloaded the dishwasher every day this week. Can you PLEASE do it this once?” And Barbie replies, “No Ken do!”

Jamie: (laughing) That’s such a relatable moment!

Alex: It really is! Barbie continues to bring so much joy and laughter to all of us.

Jamie: Absolutely! Let’s keep celebrating the playful spirit of Barbie!

(End of Dialogue)

The Funniest Barbie Jokes!

Did you hear about the new army Barbie?

She specialises in plastic explosives.

I purchased my daughter some Barbie dolls dressed like they are from the 1600’s, but something is wrong with one of them.

I think he is baroque Ken.

I was looking forward to watching Margot Robbie in her new film but I ended up getting a burger instead.

It turns out I was in the wrong Barbie queue.

What kind of animal is Barbie?

A chicken, because she is the chick of Ken.