Relaxed attitude– he has that cool calm presence that shows he’s in control.
Slow speech with a modulating tone- he doesn’t jump on conversation or shout to be heard. He speaks so you want to listen.
Doesn’t interrupt- he understands that he has all the time in the world to respond so why interrupt?
Always having an open body posture– he doesn’t lurk in a corner with an empty bottle of beer trying to look cool. He opens up and proclaims availability to everyone.
Maintains constant eye contact– like always. You’ll never see him feel intimidated by anyone.
Assertive and makes his opinions clear– he makes his opinions known to others but he doesn’t do it to offend.
Walks deliberately– he walks like he owns the whole planet. Ever seen Grant Cardone walk? Then you know what I mean.
Doesn’t try to please anyone– he doesn’t care whether you like him or not, abuse him or not. That’s your problem and not his. He is self sufficient and does only what he thinks is right.
Doesn’t hurry to respond to people– he is definitely not a people pleaser. When you call his name, he hears and turns around slowly.
Does what others fear to do– he has control over his emotions, though he may feel fear, he proceeds to act anyway.
He smiles simply because he knows life is good.