How to Download Covid Vaccination Certificate? Online PDF

Vaccination is an important step to fight against this virus. We all have been very evident of the fact that during the first dose, we receive a vaccine certificate. Well, this certificate is very essential in not only getting the second dose but also when we are traveling we require this certificate. But to many people, they don’t know where we get this certificate and how to download. So, today we will be discussing the steps of downloading the vaccine certificate as well as the other stuff included in this certificate.

Points to be noted that we are having two types of vaccines namely Covaxin and Covishield. So, once we receive the first dose of any of these vaccines a certificate is issued by the government on our name that we got our first dose of vaccine. This certificate is issued as and when we get injected.

So, coming to the point of the downloading process, one can download the vaccine certificate from two major areas. First is your Arogya Setu application and the second is your Cowin site. So, let’s move to discuss the steps for each one.

What are the Steps to Download the Covid-19 Certificate From Arogya Setu App?

Arogya Setu app has been the most influential app to fight against noble coronavirus.We can get to know if we are in close proximity to an infected person. Now, this app will help us to register for vaccination and then download the certificate which will help us to move in and out of the country easily. Here are the steps to download the vaccination certificate from the app

  • We need to download this application from either google play store or the Apple app store if in case we don’t have this already installed on our phones.
  • Then the next step is to sign in with our mobile number.
  • Now, we need to click on the Cowin tab situated at the top.
  • Then, the tab opens where we have to click on the vaccine certificate download option.
  • Now, after clicking on the above-said option we need to enter the 13-digit reference ID number in order to download the certificate.
  • The last step following the above is to click on the download vaccine certificate option.

What are the Steps to Download the Covid-19 Vaccine Certificate From Cowin

The government of India launched Cowin website for the people to register for the vaccination. People can register and then download the vaccination certificate. Follow the below steps to get your vaccination certificate from the cowin website:

  • In order to avoid the problem of downloading the Arogya Setu app, we can simply open the website of CoWin.
  • The next step is to click on the Sign in or Register option provided in the website.
  • After this, we need to sign in using our registered mobile number and enter the OTP which we have received on our phone.
  • Now, once you log in there will be a certificate tab below your mentioned name which we need to click.
  • Now, the last step is to click on the download tab of our certificate, in order to get the soft copy of our certificate in the pdf form.

Covid-19 Vaccine Certificate Download Pdf

Now, once you download your vaccination certificate, you will get this in the form of a pdf. This pdf will contain all your details of yours regarding your vaccination. Such as your name, age, gender, date of issue of first does, next due date of the second dose, etc. This certificate is issued by the government.

Covid Vaccine Certificate Download Link

Well, there is one more easy step through which you can get your certificate. This process is known as the certificate download link option. So, here’s discussing the way of getting the certificate through this mode.

  • Here, on getting vaccinated the hospital or any other institution will ask for your mobile number for the purpose of registration. It will be good if you provide the number which is linked with your Aadhaar card.
  • Now, the next step is that they will send a message to your phone stating that you have been vaccinated with the first dose.
  • Also, along with the message, they will send a download link or be redirected by the government itself.
  • So, after receiving the message you can simply click on the message and then select the download link option.
  • On selecting the download link option, a page will be opened from the CoWin website.
  • Now, you need to click on the certificate download option, from which you will get the soft copy of your certificate.

Present vaccination situation in India

Now, regarding the details of the covid 19 vaccination rate in India, as per the reports of the Arogya Setu app and Cowin there are 80 lakh registrations already. Following the 2nd and 3rd phase of vaccination, there are many more registrations on the way.


To conclude, our nation India is trying its best to protect its citizens from the vicious virus. Be it doctors, the frontline workers, all are trying their hard to save our lives. So, we need to support and coordinate with them. Wearing a mask, sanitizing hands as much as possible, maintaining social distancing is what we can do right now. Going out only if necessary and taking all the precautions so as to end the second wave of corona and be a triumph.

When a Man Went to the Doctor With Suffering of Headache

He entered the shop and said, “I’d like a new suit.” The elderly tailor eyed him briefly and said, “Let’s see … size 44 long.” Joe laughed, “That’s right, how did you know?”
“Been in the business 60 years!” the tailor said. Joe tried on the suit; it fit perfectly. The salesman asked, “How about a new shirt?”
Joe was on a roll. “Sure.” The salesman said, “Let’s see, 34 sleeves and 16 ½ neck.” Joe said, “That’s right, how did you know?” “Been in the business 60 years.” Joe tried on the shirt, and it fit perfectly.
Joe walked comfortably around the shop, and the salesman asked, “How about some new underwear?” Joe thought for a moment and said, “Sure.” The salesman said, “Let’s see … size 36.” Joe laughed, “Ah ha! I got you, I’ve worn a size 34 since I was 18 years old.”
The salesman shook his head, “You can’t wear a size 34. A size 34 would press your testicles up against the base of your spine and give you one heck of a headache.”

Attractive Women in a Bar With Cowboy

just got this state-of-the-art watch, and I was just testing it..”
The intrigued woman says,

“A state-of-the-art watch? What”s so special about it?”
The cowboy explains,

“It uses alpha waves to talk to me telepathically.” The lady says,
“What”s it telling you now?” Well, it says you’re not wearing any panties.”

The woman giggles and replies “Well it must be broken because I am wearing
panties!” The cowboy smiles, taps his watch and says, “Damn thing’s an hour fast.”

Minister Gave Speech on S3x

A minister gave a talk to the Lions Club on sxx. When he got home, he couldn’t tell his wife that he had spoken about sxx, so he said he had discussed horseback riding with the members. A few days later, she ran into some men at the shopping center and they complimented her on the speech her husband had made. She said, “Yes, I heard. I was surprised about the subject matter, as he’s only tried it twice. The first time he got so sore he could hardly walk, and the second time he fell off.”

Prefer Your Wife Not Whisky

Husband was sipping his whisky, while sitting in the balcony with wife and he says, “I love you so much, I don’t know how I could ever live without you.”

Wife asks, “Is that you, or the whisky talking?”

Husband replies, “It’s me….. talking to whisky.”

Here are the Best 30+ Mothers Day Quotes to Melt Your Heart

“When you are looking at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.”

“Mother is the heartbeat in the home; and without her, there seems to be no heartthrob.”

“Mothers are like glue. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still holding the family together.”

“My Mother: She is beautiful, softened at the edges and tempered with a spine of steel. I want to grow old and be like her. ”

“It may be possible to gild pure gold, but who can make his mother more beautiful?

“Youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall; A mother’s secret hope outlives them all.”

“Only mothers can think of the future because they give birth to it in their children.”

“To describe my mother would be to write about a hurricane in its perfect power.”

The mother’s heart is the child’s school-room.”

“To the world, you are a mother, but to your family, you are the world.” —

“The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother.”

“Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.”

“Acceptance, tolerance, bravery, compassion. These are the things my mom taught me.”

“To a child’s ear, ‘mother’ is magic in any language.”

“A mother is a mother still, the holiest thing alive.”

“I can imagine no heroism greater than motherhood.”

“Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother.”

“Mothers can look through a child’s eyes and see tomorrow.”

“Mothers possess a power beyond that of a king on his throne.”

“No language can express the power and beauty and heroism of a mother’s love.”

“Motherhood: All love begins and ends there. ”

“There is no way to be a perfect mother, and a million ways to be a good one.”

“If love is as sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love.”

“A mother is your first friend, your best friend, your forever friend.”

“When you are looking at your mother, you are looking at the purest love you will ever know.” —Charley Benetto

“Mother is the heartbeat in the home; and without her, there seems to be no heartthrob.” —Leroy Brownlow

“Mothers are like glue. Even when you can’t see them, they’re still holding the family together.” —Susan Gale

“My Mother: She is beautiful, softened at the edges and tempered with a spine of steel. I want to grow old and be like her. ” —Jodi Picoult

“Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children.” —William Makepeace Thackeray

“The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation.” —James E. Faust